How to Get the Perfect Farmhouse Style Guest Bedroom

How to Get the Perfect Farmhouse Style Guest Bedroom

Farmhouse style is all about creating a cozy and welcoming space that feels like home. The key to styling the perfect farmhouse-style guest bedroom is to focus on rustic and natural elements, soft and inviting textures, and neutral color schemes that make your guest feel right at home.

Here are some tips on how to achieve this style no matter where you live.

Step 1: Choose the Right Color Scheme

The farmhouse style is all about creating a warm and inviting atmosphere, and the best way to achieve this is by using a soft color palette that incorporates shades of white, beige, and other neutral tones. For a guest bedroom, consider using white as your base color and then adding in some accent colors like soft greens, blues, or yellows. You can also incorporate natural wood tones in your furniture and decor to create a rustic and cozy feel. We love this gorgeous water carafe and drinking glass for the bedside table - functionality and helpful for guests!

Step 2: Select Rustic Furniture and Decor

When it comes to farmhouse-style decor, rustic and vintage-inspired pieces are key. Choose furniture pieces that are made of natural materials like wood, wicker, or rattan, and incorporate textured fabrics like burlap or linen for your bedding and window treatments. To add a touch of charm to your guest bedroom, consider hanging a vintage-style chandelier or adding some farmhouse-inspired wall art. Our storefronts in Bellmore have such a good selection of both.

Step 3: Add Cozy Touches

Finally, don't forget to add some cozy touches to your guest bedroom to make your guests feel right at home. Consider adding a soft area rug or a fluffy throw blanket to the bed, along with some accent pillows in warm, inviting colors. You can also add some greenery to the room, like a vase of fresh flowers or a potted plant, to bring a touch of nature indoors. With these simple steps, you can create the perfect farmhouse-style guest bedroom that your guests will love.

Tell us: what's the best thing you've seen in a guest room?

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